A collection of several SPARQL queries to WikiData. Those are queries over different domains or topics that I’ve used for different goals. I’ve just decided to make them here public so that I can quickly refer to and reused them in other queries.

Get the “known as” for legal entity types in different countries, e.g.: “LLC”, “Inc.”, “GmbH”, “Ldt.”

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Selects all the companies in the DAX TecDAX, MDAX and CDAX, gets their headquarters location’s latitude and longitude and plots them in a map

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Get countries and corresponding capital in English and German from Wikidata

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Get airports and cities served in English and German from Wikidata

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Capitals of counties in the USA, with state and state code, filtered by population

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Number of connections served for a given airport

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Get all dams in Portugal with the latitude and longitude

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Electric power dams in Portugal

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